Fall 2024 u4 to u7 Supermod

Badgers with RocketsLaura McPherson
Frozen Golden jaguarsJames Carlson
Lighting StrikeEric Sandberg
Shooting StarsJessica Amico
Soccer BotsStephanie Heiges
Team Adrian AuquillaAdrian Auquilla
Team Avril BondyAvril Bondy
Team Rob BandaRob Banda
Team Ryan OrwickRyan Orwick
The LegendsLucas Alcalde

Week 1

Sat 9/14 10:30 AM
Team Adrian Auquilla
Lighting Strike
Super Mod #11
Sat 9/14 10:30 AM
Team Ryan Orwick
Soccer Bots
Super Mod #14
Sat 9/14 10:30 AM
Team Rob Banda
Badgers with Rockets
Super Mod #17
Sat 9/14 10:30 AM
Team Avril Bondy
Shooting Stars
Super Mod #4
Sat 9/14 10:30 AM
The Legends
Frozen Golden jaguars
Super Mod #8

Week 2

Sat 9/21 10:30 AM
Frozen Golden jaguars
Team Avril Bondy
Super Mod #11
Sat 9/21 10:30 AM
Badgers with Rockets
Team Ryan Orwick
Super Mod #17
Sat 9/21 10:30 AM
Soccer Bots
The Legends
Super Mod #4
Sat 9/21 10:30 AM
Lighting Strike
Team Rob Banda
Super Mod #6
Sat 9/21 10:30 AM
Shooting Stars
Team Adrian Auquilla
Super Mod #8

Week 3

Sat 9/28 10:30 AM
Team Rob Banda
Shooting Stars
Super Mod #11
Sat 9/28 10:30 AM
The Legends
Badgers with Rockets
Super Mod #14
Sat 9/28 10:30 AM
Frozen Golden jaguars
Soccer Bots
Super Mod #17
Sat 9/28 10:30 AM
Team Ryan Orwick
Lighting Strike
Super Mod #4
Sat 9/28 10:30 AM
Team Avril Bondy
Team Adrian Auquilla
Super Mod #8

Week 4

Sat 10/5 10:30 AM
Badgers with Rockets
Frozen Golden jaguars
Super Mod #11
Sat 10/5 10:30 AM
Shooting Stars
Team Ryan Orwick
Super Mod #14
Sat 10/5 10:30 AM
Lighting Strike
The Legends
Super Mod #17
Sat 10/5 10:30 AM
Team Adrian Auquilla
Team Rob Banda
Super Mod #4
Sat 10/5 10:30 AM
Soccer Bots
Team Avril Bondy
Super Mod #8

Week 5

Sat 10/12 10:30 AM
Team Ryan Orwick
Team Adrian Auquilla
Super Mod #11
Sat 10/12 10:30 AM
Team Avril Bondy
Team Rob Banda
Super Mod #14
Sat 10/12 10:30 AM
The Legends
Shooting Stars
Super Mod #17
Sat 10/12 10:30 AM
Soccer Bots
Badgers with Rockets
Super Mod #4
Sat 10/12 10:30 AM
Frozen Golden jaguars
Lighting Strike
Super Mod #8

Week 6

Sat 10/19 10:30 AM
Lighting Strike
Soccer Bots
Super Mod #11
Sat 10/19 10:30 AM
Team Adrian Auquilla
The Legends
Super Mod #14
Sat 10/19 10:30 AM
Badgers with Rockets
Team Avril Bondy
Super Mod #17
Sat 10/19 10:30 AM
Shooting Stars
Frozen Golden jaguars
Super Mod #4
Sat 10/19 10:30 AM
Team Rob Banda
Team Ryan Orwick
Super Mod #8
Badgers with RocketsLaura McPherson
Frozen Golden jaguarsJames Carlson
Lighting StrikeEric Sandberg
Shooting StarsJessica Amico
Soccer BotsStephanie Heiges
Team Adrian AuquillaAdrian Auquilla
Team Avril BondyAvril Bondy
Team Rob BandaRob Banda
Team Ryan OrwickRyan Orwick
The LegendsLucas Alcalde

Week 1

Sat 9/14 10:30 AM Team Adrian Auquilla  
Lighting Strike  
Super Mod #11
Sat 9/14 10:30 AM Team Ryan Orwick  
Soccer Bots  
Super Mod #14
Sat 9/14 10:30 AM Team Rob Banda  
Badgers with Rockets  
Super Mod #17
Sat 9/14 10:30 AM Team Avril Bondy  
Shooting Stars  
Super Mod #4
Sat 9/14 10:30 AM The Legends  
Frozen Golden jaguars  
Super Mod #8

Week 2

Sat 9/21 10:30 AM Frozen Golden jaguars  
Team Avril Bondy  
Super Mod #11
Sat 9/21 10:30 AM Badgers with Rockets  
Team Ryan Orwick  
Super Mod #17
Sat 9/21 10:30 AM Soccer Bots  
The Legends  
Super Mod #4
Sat 9/21 10:30 AM Lighting Strike  
Team Rob Banda  
Super Mod #6
Sat 9/21 10:30 AM Shooting Stars  
Team Adrian Auquilla  
Super Mod #8

Week 3

Sat 9/28 10:30 AM Team Rob Banda  
Shooting Stars  
Super Mod #11
Sat 9/28 10:30 AM The Legends  
Badgers with Rockets  
Super Mod #14
Sat 9/28 10:30 AM Frozen Golden jaguars  
Soccer Bots  
Super Mod #17
Sat 9/28 10:30 AM Team Ryan Orwick  
Lighting Strike  
Super Mod #4
Sat 9/28 10:30 AM Team Avril Bondy  
Team Adrian Auquilla  
Super Mod #8

Week 4

Sat 10/5 10:30 AM Badgers with Rockets  
Frozen Golden jaguars  
Super Mod #11
Sat 10/5 10:30 AM Shooting Stars  
Team Ryan Orwick  
Super Mod #14
Sat 10/5 10:30 AM Lighting Strike  
The Legends  
Super Mod #17
Sat 10/5 10:30 AM Team Adrian Auquilla  
Team Rob Banda  
Super Mod #4
Sat 10/5 10:30 AM Soccer Bots  
Team Avril Bondy  
Super Mod #8

Week 5

Sat 10/12 10:30 AM Team Ryan Orwick  
Team Adrian Auquilla  
Super Mod #11
Sat 10/12 10:30 AM Team Avril Bondy  
Team Rob Banda  
Super Mod #14
Sat 10/12 10:30 AM The Legends  
Shooting Stars  
Super Mod #17
Sat 10/12 10:30 AM Soccer Bots  
Badgers with Rockets  
Super Mod #4
Sat 10/12 10:30 AM Frozen Golden jaguars  
Lighting Strike  
Super Mod #8

Week 6

Sat 10/19 10:30 AM Lighting Strike  
Soccer Bots  
Super Mod #11
Sat 10/19 10:30 AM Team Adrian Auquilla  
The Legends  
Super Mod #14
Sat 10/19 10:30 AM Badgers with Rockets  
Team Avril Bondy  
Super Mod #17
Sat 10/19 10:30 AM Shooting Stars  
Frozen Golden jaguars  
Super Mod #4
Sat 10/19 10:30 AM Team Rob Banda  
Team Ryan Orwick  
Super Mod #8
QR code Schedule Revision Date: Wed, Sep 18, 2024 4:38 PM