We would like to update our page with new pictures of our players and teams! Have a great photo of your favorite player on the field or a fantastic team photo? Send them to manager@chinqually.org and watch the website to see the updated photos!

Board Meeting Dates link

Chinqually Booters Soccer Club Monthly Board Meetings

2nd Monday of every month

7:30 - 9:30

Email secretary@chinqually.org for more details

Zero Tolerance Policy link

Chinqually Booters Soccer Club has adopted a Zero Tolerance Policy in an effort to decrease the abuse of soccer Officials. This Zero Tolerance Policy applies to all coaches, players, parents, spectators, and
other supporters and Officials participating in a CBSC program or event. Please make sure that you read and understand the policy before taking the field. For future reference, you will find this policy in several places by going to Club Information on this page, and scrolling down to Downloads.


Recreational Soccer: Spring, Summer and Fall

Super Mod is available for ages U4 through U7. This program is offered to children as an introduction to soccer and provides learning in a fun, low-competitive environment. 

Mod is offered for ages U8 through U12. Modified field size, rules and number of players on the field provide excellent skill building opportunities. 

Full field soccer is offered for ages U13 - U18.

TC United link

Contact Kyle Jones at doc@tcunited.org

TCU Facebook Page

Our Sponsors
Olympia Orthopaedic Associates website
Farrelli's Pizza website
Wembley Soccer Shop website
Presentational Fall 2024 U8-U19 visual

Fall 2024 U8-U19 - Fall 2024

Fall Soccer 2024

U8 - U19 Birth year 2006-2017

REMEMBER - players move up an age group each fall! Check the updated 2024-2025 Age Chart for placement.

Returning players - register by July 13 to guarantee a spot on their previous spring team.

Practices start mid-to-late August and will be held during the week. Practice days and locations are determined by the coach, and are not known until close to the season's start.

Games are on Saturdays, and will start September 7th and end October 26th.

Fees do not include uniform cost. Uniforms are paid for by the player, and are decided by the coach and/or the team.

U8-U12 registration fee - $90

U13-U19 registration fee - $95

Military discount $5 per child

Registration open until the end of July, provided there is room on teams. Late registration after July 21st, with $5 late fee.

COACHES ARE ALWAYS NEEDED! If you would like to coach, or assist as an assistant coach or team manager, please enroll as a volunteer when registering your children.



Presentational Fall 2024 u4 to u7 Supermod visual

Fall 2024 u4 to u7 Supermod - Fall 2024

Fall 2024 Super Mod

Players born 2018 to 2021

 Registration closes August 10

First Practice is Friday, 6 pm Sept 6 at Rainier Vista Park

Games on Saturday mornings, either 9 or 10:15 am

Practices on Fridays evenings at 6 pm

6 week program - Last Game is October 19

Late registration open until August  20 with a $5.00 late fee, provided there is room on teams.

Super Mod Players receive a soccer ball and a jersey

Cost $70     Military Discount $65